Supporting IDeA Equality Data Mapping

OCSI’s work on Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration (Data4nr) and the South-East Equalities and Diversity Tool was highlighted at the recent Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) session on Equality data mapping.

  • The Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration (Data4nr) service identifies and signposts datasets for targeting, monitoring, priority setting, performance management etc. Indicators are available by theme (eg population, employment) and by core equalities groups (age, gender, ethnicity).  Data4nr has been commissioned from OCSI by the Department of Communities and Local Government, and is freely available to all users.
  • The South-East Equalities and Diversity Tool developed by OCSI provides a comprehensive mapping of socio-economic data across the South-East for the six core equality groups – gender, age, ethnicity, disability, faith, and sexual orientation.  The tool provides baseline data on these groups for demographic, economic, education, and health issues, as well as comparisons against the whole population.

The OCSI presentation is available here, and for more information on the IDeA Equality Data Mapping programme, see the IDeA pages.

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