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The NHS Information Centre to provide key JSNA indicators

From November 2009, The NHS Information Centre is providing key indicators to help commissioners complete their Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA). This is now available on the National Adult Social Care Intelligence Service (NASCIS), providing much of the data for the JSNA core dataset as well as a range of other social care information resources. The JSNA indicators and data will cover demography, social and environmental context, lifestyle and risk factors, burden of ill-health and services.

IDeA report: JSNA – progress so far

This report reviews local experience of implementing JSNA through a number of case studies.  The report notes that developing the data set has proved to be demanding and two kind of difficulties have emerged; firstly, for some sub-domains there is too much data and too little translation of it into usable information, and secondly, for other sub-domains the data is incomplete. However, the process has brought local partners more closely together and there has been a sense of rigour about the use of evidence and information that was often missing from previous joint planning. the report concludes that   “on this evidence we should celebrate the success of the JSNA as an important innovation in public policy.”

Review of JSNAs in the North-West region

The North West Public Health Observatory have carried out work to examine the overall JSNA process across all local partnerships in the North West.  The full report is available here.

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