Ongoing role for JSNA – JSNA themed area in ‘Communities of Practice’

The government has signalled an ongoing and central role for JSNAs in the NHS White Paper, ‘Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS’. Health and wellbeing boards, convened by local authorities, will be responsible for leading the JSNA process and allow local authorities to take a strategic approach and promote integration across health and adult social care, children’s services. The JSNA will need to reach new audiences, including GP Consortia which will take over the commissioning role from PCTs as they are abolished from April 2013. Local HealthWatch will be represented on health and wellbeing boards to ensure that the views and feedback from patients and carers are an integral part of local commissioning in health and social care.

As part of supporting high quality JSNA processes, Department of Health JSNA Development Programme has launched a new JSNA theme in LG Improvement and Development (LGID)  Healthy Communities  Community of Practice (CoP).

The CoP will host the latest resources and tools from the DH JSNA Development Programme and promote peer-to-peer exchange, learning and discussion. Learning activity will include commentary and discussion starters from key opinion leaders, and discussion fora threads on key issues in the JSNA process. These include: data access and analysis; linkage with commissioners; and models for engagement of third sector and community partners.

To join the community of practice:

  • Go to and under ‘Register and become a member today’, select ‘Register’ and complete the registration form
  • Search for ‘healthy communities’ to locate the CoP and request to join
  • Go to JSNA themed area on page 2 of the Forum section.

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