Data Packs update v2.0 provides the latest content


The Data Packs v2.0 update provides users with the latest data, benchmarks and outputs available for all geographies. Major new and updated datasets in this version include:

  • Indices of Deprivation 2010
  • Annual Population Survey updates (available down to Local Authority District level)
  • Business survival rates and age of businesses
  • Births data : Age of mother, gender of baby, fertility rate
  • Deaths: Death rates by key causes and monthly death rates
  • Council tax benefit and housing benefit updates
  • Dwelling stock by council tax band
  • Earnings data (resident and workplace mean and median earnings)
  • Housing supply – house building and demolitions
  • Housing tenure – Housing stock by housing tenure and supply of new affordable homes, right to buy sales and households on the housing register (excluding households waiting for transfers)
  • Housing market updates – Houseprices, transaction and affordability
  • Monthly claimant count, claimant flows and Job Centre vacancy rates
  • Out-of-work benefits at Output Area level
  • Slope Index of Inequality for Life Expectancy
  • VAT based local units by industry and sizeband

The full list of new and updated datasets are in the User area (login required), including details of all indicators in the Data Packs.

Major new datasets

Indices of Deprivation 2010: Communities and Local Government (CLG) have published the Indices of Deprivation 2010. The Indices of Deprivation (IoD) have been used extensively by central and local government to identify areas that would benefit from additional targeted resources. The Indices have, for example, been used to identify areas eligible for Neighbourhood Renewal Funding and Local Enterprise Growth Initiative. The new IoD 2010 updates earlier versions of the Indices with more recent data. Most of the indicators used in these statistics are from 2008. We have included all of the Local Authority summaries, domains, sub-domains and supplementary indices as part of the update.

Births by age of mother: Live births by the age of mother when giving birth has been added to the system. Data is based on mothers usual residence and is broken down by nine broad age bands and contains counts and rates per age cohort.

Slope Index of Inequality for Life Expectancy: The Slope Index of Inequality (SII) in life expectancy is a single score which represents the gap in years of life expectancy between the best-off and worst-off within the local authority, based on a statistical analysis of the relationship between life expectancy and deprivation scores across the whole authority.  Data is broken down by gender.

Major updated datasets

Housing market updates: Updated housing data has been published by the Department for Communities and Local
Government. The following indicators are included:

  • Additional affordable dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding) (Updated for 2009/10)
  • Additional social rent dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding)
    (Updated for 2009/10)
  • Additional units of intermediate affordable housing provided by local authority area (by LA
    providing funding) (Updated for 2009/10)
  • Housebuilding: permanent dwellings started and completed, by tenure (Updated for
  • Households on local authorities’ housing waiting lists: Excluding households waiting for
    transfer (Updated for 2010)
  • Lower quartile house price (Updated for Q3 2010)
  • Mean house price (Updated for Q3 2010)
  • Median house price (Updated for Q3 2010)
  • Property sales based on Land Registry data (Updated for Q3 2010)
  • Ratio of lower quartile workplace earnings to lower quartile house prices (Updated for 2010)
  • Ratio of median workplace earnings to median house prices (Updated for 2010)
  • Right to Buy sales (Updated for 2009/10)
  • Smallest Geography: Local Authority District (LAD)
  • RSL dwelling stock by District (Updated for 2010)
  • RSL housing rents (Updated for 2010)
  • Tenure of dwellings (Updated for 2010)
  • Total dwelling stock (Updated for 2010)

Annual Population Survey updates: The Annual Population Survey (APS) has been updated for Jul 2009 – Jun 2010 to Local Authority level. The APS is a key source of employment and skills data providing estimates of  levels of economic activity for key equalities groups including age, gender, and disability.

Births and deaths: Data on births and deaths has been updated for 2009. This includes small area figures (down to MSOA level) on numbers of births and deaths in the area. In addition, there is more detailed data at Local Authority level, with data on births at including fertility rates and data on deaths including key causes of death and standardised mortality ratios. Monthly death figures have also been updated (for December 2010).

Enterprise data: Data on VAT registered enterprises by age of business, number of people employed and type of business sector has been updated in the system for 2010. Data is published by BERR and released down to Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) level.

The full list of new and updated datasets are in the User area (login required), including details of all indicators in the Data Packs.

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