A goldfish of our own

Needing a little more space in the office for all the plants, we’ve finally packed up our servers and moved to the environmentally-friendly One Brighton scheme run by the Ethical Property Company.

We are now right by Brighton station, so do pop in for a coffee anytime you’re passing and want to talk data, see some great data visualisations, or just look at our goldfish.

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Featured posts

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Resources and data

UKGrantmaking and Community Foundations

What is UKGrantmaking? UKGrantmaking is a landmark publication on the state of…

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Data analysis

Marmot Principles and neighbourhood level data

The Marmot Review, published back in 2010, still has important implications today…

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OCSI news

Announcing Local Insight 2.0, the place-based data platform from OCSI

We are proud to announce that we have successfully redeveloped and launched…

Case studies
Data analysis
Indices of Deprivation
left behind neighbourhoods
OCSI news
Research Projects
Resources and data