
Following the release of the recently published Census 2011 data; Key and Quick Statistics at Local Authority level, we here at the OCSI headquarters have been busy digging up a minefield of interesting facts and figures showing key socioeconomic changes across England and Wales.


You maybe happy to know that Brighton still has the highest proportion of people claiming to be Jedi Knights, or not so happy to find out that divorce rates are highest in coastal areas, with Blackpool taking the lead as the divorce capital.

Residents in Newham are at a bit of a squeeze with one in three households living in overcrowded conditions, and one in four with nobody speaking English as their main language. Whereas the majority of Londoners are considered to be the most “well-educated” with 9 out of 10 of the top scoring Local Authorities located in the capital.

Before I continue to reel off a list of census trivia, we have taken the liberty of producing a series of reviews. Each will focus on a particular issue, providing an overview of key socioeconomic trends attributed to high level messages.

The first in the series focuses on shifts in housing tenure, highlighting key changes over the decade, along with stories present at national, regional and local levels. Click here to find out more about OCSI housing tenure rapid review.

This will be followed by a review covering health and social care, and finally changes within the labour market.

So keep a watchful eye on this blog as we continue in our mission in evaluating, interpreting and portraying the value of open data.

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