Sport England uses Community Needs Index within their Place Partnerships work

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Sport England have recently announced that they are investing an additional £250 million into their Place Partnerships work to support low income communities that don’t have the access to the same facilities or opportunities as other more affluent areas.

£190m of this funding will be focused on the 80 – 100 places that have the greatest need. To identify these areas, Sport England have created a Place Need Classification, focused on data around “Sport and physical activity need” as well as “Social need” at both a Local Authority and neighbourhood (LSOA, MSOA) level. The quantitative data is complemented with local intelligence and qualitative insight for true evidence-informed decision-making.

Community Needs Index data, which is being used by Sport England, overlaid on a map of England

Community Needs Index data, which is being used by Sport England, overlaid on a map of England

We are really pleased to see our Community Needs Index included as one of the key data sources within the Place Need Classification, putting emphasis on the social and cultural factors that can impact upon people’s outcomes.

Our Local Insight platform is a valuable resource for those working in a place-based way and is already being used by sport and physical activity organisations such as Everton in the Community and Hertfordshire Sports Partnership. It houses more than 1000 neighbourhood level indicators in one place, ready to explore for any type of neighbourhood through maps, dashboard and reports, making data exploration enjoyable and effortless. 

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