Signposting the evidence base for Neighbourhood Renewal

The ODPM Neighbourhood Renewal Unit commissioned OCSI to identify and signpost datasets and resources to help local partnerships target and monitor local programmes. Alongside nationally-published sources such as those on Neighbourhood Statistics, OCSI are also highlighting relevant datasets held by local partner agencies. The data and resources will help people identify:

  • What evidence supports our funding proposals?
  • Are our priorities right – is our strategy helping the most deprived areas and groups?
  • Where can I find information to help me target specific programmes at the right areas and communities?
  • Are our priority neighbourhood areas closing the gap?
  • How can we evaluate whether our programmes are working?
  • What communities do we need to work harder to reach?

Featured posts

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Data analysis

General Election 2024: Voting patterns in England by deprivation and community need

The General Election 2024 changed the political geography of the UK. Labour…

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Resources and data

UKGrantmaking and Community Foundations

What is UKGrantmaking? UKGrantmaking is a landmark publication on the state of…

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Data analysis

Marmot Principles and neighbourhood level data

The Marmot Review, published back in 2010, still has important implications today…

Case studies
Data analysis
Indices of Deprivation
left behind neighbourhoods
OCSI news
Research Projects
Resources and data