The Data Packs v2.7 update provides users with the latest data, benchmarks and outputs available for all geographies.
Key updated datasets in v2.7 include:
Regular updates include:
All Data Packs users are provided with an Excel workbook detailing the new and revised indicators. See the sections below for a summary of the update.
Key updated datasets
2011 Census Key Statistics at Local Authority level: A large array of Census 2011 data has been released, covering all Key Statistics tables and nine Quick Statistics tables for Local Authorities. 44 tables were released in total covering data on a range of themes related to;
In addition, we have supplied several other Census-related datasets with this release. Census 2001 population figures have been integrated into Census 2011 data series to enable comparisons of change over time down to small area level.
We have also supplied data on second addresses of people resident in England Local Authorities
Finally, we have supplied the 2011 Mid Year Estimates which take the 2011 census data and project these figures forward from March to June 2011.
Child poverty measures: HM Customs and Revenue have published data on the proportion of children in poverty for 2010. The child poverty indicator measures the proportion of children in receipt of out of work benefits, or in receipt of tax credits where their reported income is less than 60% median income. Out of work means-tested benefits include: Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance and Income Support. The data is provided with a range of age and benefit breakdowns and is available down to Lower layer Super Output Area level/
In addition the small area measure of the proportion of children living in ‘out of work
households’ has been updated for 2011. This provides a Lower layer Super Output Area level
of the proportion of children living in households where adults receive workless benefits
(Jobseekers Allowance, incapacity benefits, Income Support).
Local Alcohol Profiles for England 2012: The 2012 Local Alcohol Profiles for England 2012 have been added to Data Packs. This publication provides a range of alcohol-related indicators measuring the extent of alcohol consumption in the local area and the impact of alcohol on local communities including on levels of crime and health in the local area.
Data is available down to Local Authority level.
Denominator Revisions: Following the publication of the 2011 Census population estimates, we have revised some of the rates for the indicators we supply. Each indicator instance covering a time-points in 2011 and 2012 which previously used the ONS Mid Year Estimates as a denominator now use the more up 2011 Census denominator. As a result some rates have been revised.
If you are interested in subscribing to the OCSI Data Packs find out more information here.
Wish to speak to someone from the team? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will happily answer on of your questions, provide you with more information and arrange to set-up a demo for you and your team.
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