Data and Report Packs- Manage and Deliver your Local Information

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You can instantly benefit from our years of expertise in analysing, managing and maintaining public sector data. Data Packs enable you to deliver the critical information needed by your communities and partners:

  • The key datasets to understand the economic, social and health needs, trends, performance and priorities across your local neighbourhoods.
  • Rich visualisations, communicating the key information needed to inform and engage communities and partners for local decision-making.

Powering your local information system
Designed to load straight into your local information system, the packs sit alongside your existing information to provide additional data and outputs for all users. All data, visualisations and report outputs can be customised and combined with local data, using the functionality of your system.

Save money in managing your local information system by reducing the resources used to obtain, format, load, visualise and update data. Data Packs load straight into your system, cost from as little as £1,500 and save as much as 70% of the cost of doing this work in-house.

Better use of your time
Instead of doing the heavy lifting of managing, importing and reporting routine data content, focus your resources on how you use the information to improve service delivery and decision-making.

Use our experience to get up-to-speed fast
We have spent years finding, collecting, cleaning, aggregating, analysing and interpreting data for national, regional and local public sector agencies. Benefit from our experience and the Data Packs to make better use of your resources.

For more information, see the articles on this Data and Report Packs blog, download an information pack, or contact us for a demonstration of how the OCSI Data and Report Packs can help you efficiently deliver the information your communities and partners need.

Featured posts

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Resources and data

UKGrantmaking and Community Foundations

What is UKGrantmaking? UKGrantmaking is a landmark publication on the state of…

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Data analysis

Marmot Principles and neighbourhood level data

The Marmot Review, published back in 2010, still has important implications today…

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OCSI news

Announcing Local Insight 2.0, the place-based data platform from OCSI

We are proud to announce that we have successfully redeveloped and launched…

Case studies
Data analysis
Indices of Deprivation
left behind neighbourhoods
OCSI news
Research Projects
Resources and data