Unique new Health Profiles available for Acre

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ACRE produces unique area based Health Profiles.

Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) in collaboration with Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) have produced new area based Health Profiles as part of their ongoing work to develop socioeconomic data and information about rural areas held on Acres ‘Rural Evidence Resource’ and accessed via their members.

These Health Profiles bring together quantative national health datasets for all rural areas in England. ACRE will be releasing similar profiles for all Clinical Commissioning Group areas in early 2013 as they are agreed by the Department of Health.

The Health Profiles are designed to complement the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and other local information on health. Acre expect that they will be of particular use to the new Health and Wellbeing Boards in helping them understand the detail of their rural areas.

The new Health Profiles will help support the evidence required to strengthen and influence rural health services. Each detailed but accessible profile is structured around five themes (matching the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments undertaken by local authorities):

  • Health and well-being
  • Population
  • Social place and wellbeing
  • Lifestyles and health improvement
  • Service use.

All Health Profiles are available through our members – the Rural Community Action Network. Please see the list of these organisations to obtain Health Profile Reports.

Find out more on ACRE here.

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