COVID-19 Vulnerability Index

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British Red Cross COVID-19 vulnerability index

British Red Cross has developed a COVID-19 vulnerability index at MSOA and Local Authority level.

The index combines multiple sources of (mostly) open data to identify vulnerable areas and groups within Local Authorities and neighbourhoods (MSOAs). The Index currently maps:

  • clinical vulnerability (underlying health conditions), demographic vulnerability (over-70s, people seeking asylum)
  • social vulnerability (barriers to housing and services, poor living environment, living in left-behind neighbourhoods, loneliness, digital exclusion)
  • health inequalities.

Other vulnerabilities which will be added include: Mental health, Economic vulnerability, Social isolation and Physical isolation from supermarkets, pharmacies.

We were pleased to contribute to the development of the index. The data is available to explore in Local Insight.

MSOA  / Intermediate Zone level datasets are available within the data downloads above.

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