Final report of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for left behind neighbourhoods

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The APPG for left behind neighbourhoods has published their final report on left behind neighbourhoods. The report, A Neighbourhood Strategy for National Renewal, welcomes the government’s acknowledgement of the need to tackle regional inequalities through a series of funding schemes to invest in the development of local infrastructure, boost community ownership of local assets, promote town centre regeneration and drive investment in deprived places.  

We are proud to have contributed to the work of the APPG through providing research and analysis into the unique challenges faced by left behind neighbourhoods and it is great to see the report being picked up by national media outlets

Our work with Local Trust has produced a quantitative measure for identifying left behind neighbourhoods, including the development of the Community Needs Index.

In addition, we have produced a series of research briefs for the APPG covering various themes and how they impact upon residents living in left behind neighbourhoods.

Stefan Noble, Head of Research at OCSI has been leading on much of the research and reflects “This is an important piece of work that shines the light on the multi-dimensional disadvantage experienced in communities where high levels of deprivation are compounded by a lack of social infrastructure. It is great to see our research being used to help build the case for sustainable investment and meaningful change.”

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