Launching Local Insight for 2015

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We have built Local Insight to meet the specific needs of local authorities and community organisations. Local Insight can support you with strategic planning and service delivery by providing up-to-date information and analysis of your local communities. Based on up-to-date open data, Local Insight enables you to map over 100 social and economic indicators against your communities, and overlay your service locations. You can set up your own areas & communities by literally drawing on a map, upload your own data, and generate in-depth profile reports for these areas in minutes.

Over the last few months we have been working closely with Brighton and Hove City Council piloting Local Insight, and have put together an initial  case study of their experiences.

There will be more testimonials to follow, in the meantime if you would like some more information about Local Insight please get in touch on


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UKGrantmaking and Community Foundations

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The Marmot Review, published back in 2010, still has important implications today…

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Case studies
Data analysis
Indices of Deprivation
left behind neighbourhoods
OCSI news
Research Projects
Resources and data