ODI Fridays: Data Science and the Indices of Deprivation

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Last Friday, OCSI Chief Exec, Tom Smith ventured into the Big Smoke to run one of ODI’s lunchtime lectures. These are free events, every Friday, where speakers give short talks on the running common theme of “Open Data”.

Tom spoke about our work on the English Indices of Deprivation 2015. We were commissioned by Department for Communities and Local Government to develop the Indices of Deprivation. These crucial datasets are used by government agencies, local government, charities and businesses to target a phenomenal amount of public spending each year. Take a look at our resource site for case studies and examples of how the Indices of Deprivation have been used in the real world.

The talk focuses on going beyond simply publishing open data and the importance of data quality and the value it brings to the end user.

If you missed the talk, have no fear! See below for a few of our favourite tweets from the event and the full recording of the lunchtime lecture.







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