
Decorative image with the text "Data and resources"

Resources and data

COVID-19 Vulnerability Index

1st April 2020

British Red Cross COVID-19 vulnerability index British Red Cross has developed a…

Decorative image with the text "Community Needs Index"

Data analysis

Community Needs Index – Your questions answered

15th January 2020

  Following on from the launch of our work with Local Trust…

Decorative image with the text "Community Needs Index"

Data analysis

Community Needs Index – measuring social and cultural factors

21st October 2019

Local Trust commissioned OCSI to develop a quantitative measure of left behind…

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Indices of Deprivation

English Indices of Deprivation 2019

26th September 2019

We are happy to announce that the English Indices of Deprivation 2019…

Decorative image with the text "left behind neighbourhoods"

Data analysis

Left behind? Understanding communities on the edge

5th September 2019

The term left behind neighbourhoods is featuring more and more in social…

Decorative image with the text "data analysis"

Data analysis

Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards

31st July 2019

  Understanding the wider determinants of physical and mental health is an…

Decorative image with the text "data analysis"

Data analysis

A new measure of third sector activity available in Local Insight

23rd July 2019

  This post is from Mary Silk,  Researcher at OCSI. Is third…

Decorative image with the text "Case Study"

Case studies

Sussex Community Foundation | Support grant assessment and attract funding with Local Insight

26th June 2019

Sussex Community Foundation is one of the 46 community foundations across the…

Decorative image with the text "Data and resources"

Resources and data

The power of spatial data for third sector organisations

17th June 2019

This is a guest post by James Bowles, PhD student at the…

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Data analysis

Local level internet engagement data

3rd April 2019

  Digital Exclusion is not a new topic. We know that even…

Decorative image with the text "Case Study"

Case studies

How are Community Foundations benefiting from Local Insight?

21st March 2019

When it comes to understanding the needs of local communities, Community Foundations…

Decorative image with the text "Data and resources"


LSOAs, LEPs and lookups : A beginner’s guide to statistical geographies

18th March 2019

  If this blog post has caught your eye, then you probably…

Decorative image with the text "data analysis"

Data analysis

Neighbourhood estimates on health conditions: What’s the story in your area?

19th February 2019

The latest additions to Local Insight are an interesting bunch. Not least…

Decorative image with the text "How to guides"

Resources and data

How to calculate your grant funding per head of the population

7th January 2019

  94 grantmakers are now publishing their funding data as open data…

Decorative image with the text "Data and resources"

Data analysis

Small area benefits measures from DWP: What has changed and what does it mean?

14th December 2018

  There have been a number of changes in the local level…

Decorative image with the text "OCSI news"

OCSI news

Looking back at Data4Good

22nd November 2018

  If ever there was a time of year to get an…