OCSI Output Area Index of Multiple Deprivation data available

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The OCSI modelled Index of Multiple Deprivation data at Output Area (OA) level is now available, covering all OAs across England.

The data was developed in work with the Norfolk Rural Community Council, and validated at national level by OCSI on a project commissioned by the national Commission for Rural Communities.

The OA datasets enable a more detailed examination of ‘pockets of deprivation’ than available using standard data. We have modelled key deprivation datasets such as the Index of Multiple Deprivation to Output Area (OA) level – each of which contains just over 100 households.

This is particularly relevant in rural areas, where deprivation can be concentrated in small pockets of deprivation. These pockets may not be identified using standard datasets, typically available at Super Output Area (SOA) level.

The data has also been used in work with urban LAs, helping identify the key deprivation challenges for partners under their Local Area Agreements.

The datasets are available from the OCSI spotlight on rural exclusion page www.ocsi.co.uk/spotlights/rural-exclusion.php (scroll to the bottom of the page).

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