Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration (Data4nr) tool

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The Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration (Data4nr) tool has been updated and extended. Commissioned from OCSI by the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG), Data4nr identifies and signposts the datasets available for targeting, monitoring, priority setting and performance management at a neighbourhood level.

This update is part of the development being carried out over the next 3 months. The updated Data4nr includes:

  • Links to all the available National Indicators, as well as links to related datasets and resources
  • For all datasets, we suggest other relevant data, for example linking to possible denominators or proxy datasets
  • Linked indicators related to “Customer insight and benchmarking”
  • Signposts to analytical resources on other sites
  • Improved navigation and updated interface, but aiming to keep the same ease-of-use

We have also been carrying out consultation with the site’s users, and the data suppliers that Data4nr signposts to. Over the next few months, we will be launching new features based on this consultation, and will keep you posted.

Although the consultation is now closed, we’d love to hear what you think of the new site – please do get in touch with any feedback.

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