Mapping local open data sources

As part of our Data4nr local data service, sponsored by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), we keep track of the nearly 100 Local Information Systems run by local authorities and other organisations. These systems provide a wealth of data on local areas, so it is great to see the DCLG open data strategy published today highlight how they support the re-use of open data by the public sector (more on how important open data is to public and third sector organisations in a future blog).

We have now mapped all the systems we know about at, with a list by region at

We are in the process of updating this list, and adding more information including news feeds, twitter, Facebook etc.  So keep checking back. And of course, if there are systems that should be added (or changed), let us know.

Featured posts

Decorative image with the text "Data and resources"

Resources and data

The importance of mid-year population estimates

For organisations working to address social challenges, like Community Foundations, understanding who…

Data analysis

Data Heroes: Tim Berners-Lee

At OCSI, we use open data to drive social good, turning complex…

Decorative image with the text "Data and resources"

Data analysis

Scotland’s statistical geographies: A comparison with England and Wales

Looking to better understand the statistical geographies that place-based data is published…

Case studies
Data analysis
Indices of Deprivation
left behind neighbourhoods
OCSI news
Research Projects
Resources and data